Pe-er di note FB ni sebenernya.. tapi dicopy disini juga deh....
1. Merokok, Minum Minuman Keras, Dugem, dan Pakai Narkoba hanya karena diajak cowokku bukan berarti aku mau punya cowok pemakai narkoba, atau tukang mabok ya. amit-amit deh... Aku orangnya agak keras kalau masalah gini-ginian. Ak pernahngamuk banget pas tau mantan cowokku pergi dugem. Marah Besaaaarrrr!!! Agamaku tidak mengajarkan umatnya menggunakan Barang-barang diatas karena merusak tubujh dan lebih mudah ditemukan mudharatnya dan nyaris ga ada manfaatnya.
2. Mengingkari janjiku buat pergi maen sama temen-temenku hanya gara2cowokku telfon ngajak ketemuan. No WAY!!
3. Pre Marital Sex..!! I wont ever do it!! Should i describe more??
4. Stop balesin sms, komen, wall, atawa respon plurk dari temen-temen cowokku hanya karena dilarang pacar. so not me... sape loh nglarang2 gue???!!
5. Berenti Ngefans sama Naga Lyla, David Cook, Robert Pattinson, Afgan, dan Rupert Grint hanya karena cowokku ngerasa kalah jauh gantengnya dari mereka jadi nglarang-nglarang aku jejeritan tiap kali liat wajah mereka atau denger suara mereka
6. Pakai High-Hells tiap kali pergi sama pacar. haduh.. tar kalo kepleset gimana??? ya sekali-kali oke lah.. tapi jgn tiap kali...
7. Bayarin dia makan setiap kali kita berdua pergi bareng. Oh, Plis.. Hanya cowok banci yg membiarkan pacarnya melakukan itu setiap kali mereka berkencan.
8.Pakai make-up menor tiap kali jalan sama dia karena dia suka cewek yang suka dandan.
9. Bikin Video atau Foto Porno bareng dia
10.Berhenti beli Frestea Jasmine tiap hari. Lidahku rasanya hambar kalo ga minum itu sehari aja.
11.Buka hape pacar tanpa ijin
12.Berhenti melakukan kebiasaan rutinku, baca buku di teras depan rumah pas malem minggu. Ga tiap malem minggu kita harus kencan kan beb??
13.Bilang "oke aku terima kamu balik walaupun kamu ketauan selingkuh kemaren" Never!! tiada maaf buat tukang selingkuh!!
14.Mengangkat telfonnya walaupun itu jam 1 malam. Honey, aku juga butuh tidur dong....
15.Bikin Tatto. Ga boleh sholat dong Honey....
16.Pindah Agama. I love Islam!!
17.Memilih nonton Film Horor Indonesia daripada Film Drama hanya karena dia pengen liat Film Horor Indo yang makin ga jelas. Oh... Tidak.. kamu masuk aja sendiri, dearie.. aku mau pulang aja
18.Makan Pete, Kepiting, dan dengerin musik jedak jeduk yg ga jelas
19.Ikut Fitness karena dia juga fitness di tempat yang sama. Kalau aku pergi Olahraga itu karena kesadaran diri. bukan karena mau bareng cowok atau ngecengin cowok
20.Stop beli Novel. aku ga bisa hidup tanpa novel... hiks...
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Going Abroad
a few days ago, a friend called me when i was attending my TOEFL class. he asked me "do you have some free time today? If yes, i want to come to your house. I want to discuss about a huge thing with u" then i said yes with lil' whirl feeling.
Then he told me that his father offered him to take his master abroad. His Father let him choose whether in Australia, Singapore, London, or Japan. His father let him choose but his father obligate him going abroad for school.
i shouted him "Hey, Man.. u are so damn lucky! so, which country will you choose? I think London will be Great. because if you graduated from Europe University, many companies will look at you."
But, my friend made me so upset with what he said. He told me that he was very confused with it. He doesn't want to go abroad for master school. He wants to stay in Indonesia because he doesnt want to leave his girlfriend here.
It made me so disappointed at him. I just looked at oh-my-gosh-you-are-the-pitiest-person-in-the-world!! why? because i thought his reason to not imitate his father wants is so superficial, it is so foolish
I was feeling so jealous when i heard that story. I really want to go abroad for taking my master. But I have to try by my self. because my Parents are not that rich so they can pay my master abroad. I gotta strive for scholarship if i want to go abroad. I still have 2 little sister. My parents will pay my master if i takes it in Indonesia. If abroad, no way!
If i were him, i would be very happy. I'll take that chance directly. without thinking about many things, or even thinking about love. Oh my gosh.. its very huge things.
Yeah.. there are many people whom not realize that they are very lucky. many people maybe really expect that chance, but my friend want to release that chance because of a thing that i though it is very trivial. Oh, come on... he is a man! why does he become so sentimental! it is just a girl that even have not become his wife. If his girlfriend love him seriously then she would be waiting for him, right??
I don't know why, i was so upset at him. he is my best friend, I never thought he would be thinking so shallow. Yeah.. i have already told him about my opinion. i just hope that he can think for the best before he decide to release that chance.
Then he told me that his father offered him to take his master abroad. His Father let him choose whether in Australia, Singapore, London, or Japan. His father let him choose but his father obligate him going abroad for school.
i shouted him "Hey, Man.. u are so damn lucky! so, which country will you choose? I think London will be Great. because if you graduated from Europe University, many companies will look at you."
But, my friend made me so upset with what he said. He told me that he was very confused with it. He doesn't want to go abroad for master school. He wants to stay in Indonesia because he doesnt want to leave his girlfriend here.
It made me so disappointed at him. I just looked at oh-my-gosh-you-are-the-pitiest-person-in-the-world!! why? because i thought his reason to not imitate his father wants is so superficial, it is so foolish
I was feeling so jealous when i heard that story. I really want to go abroad for taking my master. But I have to try by my self. because my Parents are not that rich so they can pay my master abroad. I gotta strive for scholarship if i want to go abroad. I still have 2 little sister. My parents will pay my master if i takes it in Indonesia. If abroad, no way!
If i were him, i would be very happy. I'll take that chance directly. without thinking about many things, or even thinking about love. Oh my gosh.. its very huge things.
Yeah.. there are many people whom not realize that they are very lucky. many people maybe really expect that chance, but my friend want to release that chance because of a thing that i though it is very trivial. Oh, come on... he is a man! why does he become so sentimental! it is just a girl that even have not become his wife. If his girlfriend love him seriously then she would be waiting for him, right??
I don't know why, i was so upset at him. he is my best friend, I never thought he would be thinking so shallow. Yeah.. i have already told him about my opinion. i just hope that he can think for the best before he decide to release that chance.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Vidi Aldiano (lagi)
Hoa.... Vidi Aldiano Keren.....!!!!!!!
aku barusan liat video ini di You Tube
He sang my Fave Song! dan Suaranya keren.....
ga kalah sama Jason Mraz...
Hidup Vidi!!!
aku barusan liat video ini di You Tube
He sang my Fave Song! dan Suaranya keren.....
ga kalah sama Jason Mraz...
Hidup Vidi!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Pe-er Mikir. hehe...
I've tagged by Sarahsita , thx honey bunny switi even this homework is so confusing me and also difficult but i'll do it.
Here are the rules..
1. To each letter of an alphabet, write a word connected to you.
2. Tag 6 (six) people.
ok, let's start!!
Ajeng Sueztika Constitusia is my full name. but sadly, many peoples cant say it well
Book is my favourite thing. cant imagine my weekend without reading. but strangely i always feel "oh gosh! i am soooooooo lazy reads my
Crispy strips from Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are my favorite junk food.
Dad is my most fave person in this world. i love him soooo... always wanna make him proud of me... miss u dad...lje
Elke is my bestie name. she's lil' crazy, ambisious, but also very patient girl. i love elke. i dont know what kind of world i have without her
Frestea Jasmine is my must-thing-to-buy everyday.
Google is the website that i visits everyday
Harry Potter series, Twilight Saga, and Also Laskar pelangi series are my fave novel
I miss my rabbit cimot. he died 4 months ago. his pic is in my blog's header. when i see that pic, my eyes is going to be glassy. i love cimot so...
Jakarta is the most crowded city ever, i think. so that i dont wanna get job there. I love Jakarta, but just for holiday or shopping
Kamarku (my room) is my fave place at my home. but i have to move upstairs after this. though my room upstair is bigger but i prefer this room. hiks... so sad..
Love my last priority for now. OJT (on the job training), skripsi, and IELTS is my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority. at least for this moment
Mmmm... i hate smoke, any kinds of smoke. esp cigs smoke. hueks...
Nobody can judge me. Only God can. So, if anybody wants to judge me, I’ll keep walk away and don’t mind what they say to me.
Only god knows why i cant wake up early in the morning. its always 5.30 . actually i really want to wake up at 4.30 so i can do my subuh pray on time but i cant. dont know why
Paris is my second fave city, The First is Roma
Qi Gong is some kind of exercise that i've read at Shopaholic Series books and i dont really understand what kind of exercise is that
Rabbit is my fave pet. i have a rabbit name cilik. i love him so...
Stilleto are kind of shoes that i'll never use if i go to campus. flat shoes and sneakers preferable
Titanic is my fave movie ever
Uuuhhhh-eeeerrrr is my fave words to say when i'm feeling cofuse :)
Voila... i have no idea what kind of sentece i can write down with this V letter
Winter is my fave season even if wont ever happens in Indo. So then i really wanna apply for a scholarship in Europe or US so that i can see Snow!!
Xxx words makes me remember of porn things
Yakult is my dad fave drink. he always buy it every day and put it into freezer. but when i go home for holiday, he will buy it only one for each day because if i find his yakult on the freezer, i'll take and drink it. hahah....
Zuestika is wrong speelling of my midle name. but my friend usually write zuestika when she/he make a cover for our assignment. is annoying sometimes. hehe...
Now i'll tag this to 6 peoples. they are imaniar, alia, anas, putry, rizkania, ika gema
Here are the rules..
1. To each letter of an alphabet, write a word connected to you.
2. Tag 6 (six) people.
ok, let's start!!
Ajeng Sueztika Constitusia is my full name. but sadly, many peoples cant say it well
Book is my favourite thing. cant imagine my weekend without reading. but strangely i always feel "oh gosh! i am soooooooo lazy reads my
Crispy strips from Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) are my favorite junk food.
Dad is my most fave person in this world. i love him soooo... always wanna make him proud of me... miss u dad...lje
Elke is my bestie name. she's lil' crazy, ambisious, but also very patient girl. i love elke. i dont know what kind of world i have without her
Frestea Jasmine is my must-thing-to-buy everyday.
Google is the website that i visits everyday
Harry Potter series, Twilight Saga, and Also Laskar pelangi series are my fave novel
I miss my rabbit cimot. he died 4 months ago. his pic is in my blog's header. when i see that pic, my eyes is going to be glassy. i love cimot so...
Jakarta is the most crowded city ever, i think. so that i dont wanna get job there. I love Jakarta, but just for holiday or shopping
Kamarku (my room) is my fave place at my home. but i have to move upstairs after this. though my room upstair is bigger but i prefer this room. hiks... so sad..
Love my last priority for now. OJT (on the job training), skripsi, and IELTS is my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority. at least for this moment
Mmmm... i hate smoke, any kinds of smoke. esp cigs smoke. hueks...
Nobody can judge me. Only God can. So, if anybody wants to judge me, I’ll keep walk away and don’t mind what they say to me.
Only god knows why i cant wake up early in the morning. its always 5.30 . actually i really want to wake up at 4.30 so i can do my subuh pray on time but i cant. dont know why
Paris is my second fave city, The First is Roma
Qi Gong is some kind of exercise that i've read at Shopaholic Series books and i dont really understand what kind of exercise is that
Rabbit is my fave pet. i have a rabbit name cilik. i love him so...
Stilleto are kind of shoes that i'll never use if i go to campus. flat shoes and sneakers preferable
Titanic is my fave movie ever
Uuuhhhh-eeeerrrr is my fave words to say when i'm feeling cofuse :)
Voila... i have no idea what kind of sentece i can write down with this V letter
Winter is my fave season even if wont ever happens in Indo. So then i really wanna apply for a scholarship in Europe or US so that i can see Snow!!
Xxx words makes me remember of porn things
Yakult is my dad fave drink. he always buy it every day and put it into freezer. but when i go home for holiday, he will buy it only one for each day because if i find his yakult on the freezer, i'll take and drink it. hahah....
Zuestika is wrong speelling of my midle name. but my friend usually write zuestika when she/he make a cover for our assignment. is annoying sometimes. hehe...
Now i'll tag this to 6 peoples. they are imaniar, alia, anas, putry, rizkania, ika gema
Friday, February 13, 2009
Saya Sayang INDONESIA! Negara saya TERCINTA!! Apapun Keadaannya! Peace all!!
Saya barusan aja nemu blog ini dikasih tau sama Dita
Sebel... banget aku bacanya. sekaligus sedih juga. kenapa sih kenapa....
Gimana nggak, salah satu postingannya adalah ini
Indon Bongkak! Beli jet Pejuang Pinjam Dekat Rusia
According to Xinhua report, Indonesia will buy six more Russian-built Sukhoi jet fighters, Air Force chief Marshall Herman Prayitno has said.
The purchase of the Sukhois, of which Indonesia already owns four, was to be made through a 1 billion U.S. dollars loan from Russia that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would sign during his trip there this week, Herman was quoted Wednesday by major national newspaper The Jakarta Post as saying.
Yudhoyono is scheduled to meet his counterpart Vladimir Putin to finalize the loan.
“The purchase of more Sukhois is aimed at creating a deterrent effect and we do not have any plans to attack other countries. Of course as a sovereign country we want to be strong and respectful,” Herman said.
Indonesia purchased the first four Sukhois, along with two MI- 35 helicopters worth 192 million dollars in 2003, during Megawati Soekarnoputri’s presidency.
The Indonesian Military turned to Russia for arms after the United States, which supplied 80 percent of Indonesia’s weaponry, placed an embargo on the country following the Dili massacre in Timor-Leste in 1991.
The embargo was lifted fully earlier this year.
P/s: Nampak sangat INDON tuh miskin! Nak beli jet, tapi pinjam duit kat RUSIA.. apa crita? bangsat lu INDON! Bangga sgt.. NEGARA MISKIN! HINA!
saya sedih!!!
Entah siapa yang bikin Blog ini dan tujuannya apa, yang jelas saya sedih banget baca postingan ini.
Apa memang blog ini dibuat malaysia untuk menghina bangsa kita atau dibuat rakyat Indonesia untuk menyulut pertengkaran sama malaysia saya ga tau, tapi yang bikin sedih, blog ini dipublish di INTERNET, Ditulis dalam BAHASA INGGRIS, dan dibaca Orang diseluruh Dunia!
Kok Seneng banget sih orang-orang itu Bikin Kekacauan. Bikin Hub Indo-Malay ga Harmonis aja!
Sebel... banget aku bacanya. sekaligus sedih juga. kenapa sih kenapa....
Gimana nggak, salah satu postingannya adalah ini
Indon Bongkak! Beli jet Pejuang Pinjam Dekat Rusia
According to Xinhua report, Indonesia will buy six more Russian-built Sukhoi jet fighters, Air Force chief Marshall Herman Prayitno has said.
The purchase of the Sukhois, of which Indonesia already owns four, was to be made through a 1 billion U.S. dollars loan from Russia that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would sign during his trip there this week, Herman was quoted Wednesday by major national newspaper The Jakarta Post as saying.
Yudhoyono is scheduled to meet his counterpart Vladimir Putin to finalize the loan.
“The purchase of more Sukhois is aimed at creating a deterrent effect and we do not have any plans to attack other countries. Of course as a sovereign country we want to be strong and respectful,” Herman said.
Indonesia purchased the first four Sukhois, along with two MI- 35 helicopters worth 192 million dollars in 2003, during Megawati Soekarnoputri’s presidency.
The Indonesian Military turned to Russia for arms after the United States, which supplied 80 percent of Indonesia’s weaponry, placed an embargo on the country following the Dili massacre in Timor-Leste in 1991.
The embargo was lifted fully earlier this year.
P/s: Nampak sangat INDON tuh miskin! Nak beli jet, tapi pinjam duit kat RUSIA.. apa crita? bangsat lu INDON! Bangga sgt.. NEGARA MISKIN! HINA!
saya sedih!!!
Entah siapa yang bikin Blog ini dan tujuannya apa, yang jelas saya sedih banget baca postingan ini.
Apa memang blog ini dibuat malaysia untuk menghina bangsa kita atau dibuat rakyat Indonesia untuk menyulut pertengkaran sama malaysia saya ga tau, tapi yang bikin sedih, blog ini dipublish di INTERNET, Ditulis dalam BAHASA INGGRIS, dan dibaca Orang diseluruh Dunia!
Kok Seneng banget sih orang-orang itu Bikin Kekacauan. Bikin Hub Indo-Malay ga Harmonis aja!
Hal-Hal yang saya sukai dari Valentine
Yah.. walaupun saya ga ngerayain, tapi boleh dong saya suka dengan hal-hal di dalamnya. Walaupun saya ga ngerayain natal tapi saya juga suka kok hal-hal yang berbau natal. Dekorasinya yang meriah, atau film-film tentang santa, walaupun saya ga percaya santa.
Seumur hidup saya, saya belom pernah ngerayain Valentine. Punya pacar maupun Jomblo. Tahun lalu ketika sedang in a relationship pas bulan Februari, saya dan dia lempeng-lempeng aja ngelewatin tanggal 14 Februari.
Pas masih SMA juga gitu, pas temen-temen saya pada heboh ngomongin acara buat valentine, saya malah asyik main PS dirumah, atawa main DDR bareng kakak sepupu saya.
Tapi banyak banget hal yang saya seneng dari valentine,
1. Film-Film di Tv yang biasanya action semua, tiba-tiba berubah jadi Spesial valentine yang berarti drama semua dan mostly Romantic. dan genre film ini adalah genre film kesenengan saya. Kebetulan saya ini orangnya ga begitu suka nonton action.
*oh.. nanti malem Film Valentine di RCTI Titanic, Thatz my fave Movie Ever!*
2. Ada banyak Coklat Spesial Edition dan mostly rasanya enak semua. Buat tahun ini ada Silver Queen Strawberry Limited Edition yang rasanya lain daripada yang lain itu. enak.. banget. Trus tiba-tiba banyak orang jualan coklat yang bentuknya lucu-lucu... Wah..wah.. saya kalau val day itu makan coklat terus pokoknya. Trus kalo uda abis baru merasa bersalah kalo celana kekecilan
3.Tiba-tiba banyak warna pink bertebaran. Kaos pink, celana pink, tas pink, sepatu pink, teddy bear pink, bahkan notebook warna pink. Saya seneng berat... soalnya jadi gampang nyari barang-barang warna pink. soalnya saya suka banget pink!!!
4.Dekorasi Mall jadi Pinky-pinky, bahkan untuk hari Valentine cowok-cowok rela pakai baju Pink!
5.Di Radio tiba-tiba Lagu Cinta yang oldies laris di-request. Lagu-lagu di Radio ga ada yang jedag-jedug lagi. semua berubah jadi lagu-lagu romantis.... ah, senengnya...
6.Infotainment jadi bahas tentang Kasih sayang semua. Much more better than bahas perceraian artis atau artis yang lagi kena kasus.
Tapi, selain hal-hal yang saya sukai diatas ada satu hal yang saya sebel dari valentine, tiba-tiba orang-orang jadi konsumtif. Rela ngeluarin uang beratus-ratus ribu cuma buat bayar dinner di hotel mewah, atau rela beli baju yang harganya cukup buat makan bareng 10 orang di restoran buat dinner bareng pacar di malam valentine.
Seumur hidup saya, saya belom pernah ngerayain Valentine. Punya pacar maupun Jomblo. Tahun lalu ketika sedang in a relationship pas bulan Februari, saya dan dia lempeng-lempeng aja ngelewatin tanggal 14 Februari.
Pas masih SMA juga gitu, pas temen-temen saya pada heboh ngomongin acara buat valentine, saya malah asyik main PS dirumah, atawa main DDR bareng kakak sepupu saya.
Tapi banyak banget hal yang saya seneng dari valentine,
1. Film-Film di Tv yang biasanya action semua, tiba-tiba berubah jadi Spesial valentine yang berarti drama semua dan mostly Romantic. dan genre film ini adalah genre film kesenengan saya. Kebetulan saya ini orangnya ga begitu suka nonton action.
*oh.. nanti malem Film Valentine di RCTI Titanic, Thatz my fave Movie Ever!*
2. Ada banyak Coklat Spesial Edition dan mostly rasanya enak semua. Buat tahun ini ada Silver Queen Strawberry Limited Edition yang rasanya lain daripada yang lain itu. enak.. banget. Trus tiba-tiba banyak orang jualan coklat yang bentuknya lucu-lucu... Wah..wah.. saya kalau val day itu makan coklat terus pokoknya. Trus kalo uda abis baru merasa bersalah kalo celana kekecilan

3.Tiba-tiba banyak warna pink bertebaran. Kaos pink, celana pink, tas pink, sepatu pink, teddy bear pink, bahkan notebook warna pink. Saya seneng berat... soalnya jadi gampang nyari barang-barang warna pink. soalnya saya suka banget pink!!!
4.Dekorasi Mall jadi Pinky-pinky, bahkan untuk hari Valentine cowok-cowok rela pakai baju Pink!
5.Di Radio tiba-tiba Lagu Cinta yang oldies laris di-request. Lagu-lagu di Radio ga ada yang jedag-jedug lagi. semua berubah jadi lagu-lagu romantis.... ah, senengnya...
6.Infotainment jadi bahas tentang Kasih sayang semua. Much more better than bahas perceraian artis atau artis yang lagi kena kasus.
Tapi, selain hal-hal yang saya sukai diatas ada satu hal yang saya sebel dari valentine, tiba-tiba orang-orang jadi konsumtif. Rela ngeluarin uang beratus-ratus ribu cuma buat bayar dinner di hotel mewah, atau rela beli baju yang harganya cukup buat makan bareng 10 orang di restoran buat dinner bareng pacar di malam valentine.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Indra Perdana Sinaga

saebenernya sudah mau nulis postingan ini dari kemaren kapan, tapi males melulu.. gapapa deh, sekarang ajja
mas yang satu ini! sama aja ni sama vidi aldiano, bikin saya gag berenti-berenti ngedengerin lagunya.


Pas dulu nonton video klip-nya yang Takkan Ada, pas liat wajahnya Mas Naga ini sepertinya Familiar, trus pas nonton Video Klip Mantan Kekasih juga.Pas di kampus ternyata dibahas sama temen-temenku. Dasar mereka itu paling peka kalo ada cowo manis macem Naga ini.

Ada temenku ngefans juga sama lyla dia bilang "Kenapa ya pake nama Naga dia? Padahal nama Indra itu kan bagus. Kalo Naga sounds weird gitu" saya mikir-mikir, iya juga ya, tapi mungkin karena ada banyak artis dengan nama Indra jadi Naga takutnya Fans-fansnya salah ngenalin.

Eh.. Belom sempet ngomong, ada temen saya nyaut "Ck, pada ketinggalan Info semua ih. Dia itu make nama Naga soalnya dulu pas di Cilapop dia udah make Nama Indra.. suasana baru lah.."
Ow.. Ow.. saya baru ngeh! Seperti ada Bohlam yang tiba-tiba dinyalain di kepala saya "ting" gitu.. hehehe...
Saya dulu itu kan suka banget nonton Cilapop. Suka banget lagu-lagunya. Lagunya Tito yang Kubenci Kau Dengan Cintaku itu bahkan sampai sekarang masih suka saya dengerin. Ternyata saya merasa dia Familiar itu Karena Mas Indra Perdana Sinaga a.k.a Naga ini dulunya juga ikutan Cilapop. Inget Indra Cilapop ngga? yang lagunya Judulnya Aku Disampingmu? nah.. ya itu mas Naga jaman Bahuela. Lagunya itu dulu jadi Sontrack Jatuh Cinta saya pas lagi pol in lop sama Mantan saya Jaman SMA
Tenanglah tenang aku disampingmu slalu, ada slalu ada menjagamu tenang lah tenang aku di sisimu slalu ada menuntun mu
Oh.. Shoot!! Jadi Inget mantan saya yang itu. hahaha......


Saturday, February 7, 2009
Vidi Aldiano
Afgan?? mmm.. bosen ah..!! Sekarang Gantian mas yang satu ini ni... ahahahai.. dia mm.. gimana yya.. kalau afgan kan ganteng, kiyut gitu yya.. kalau mas yang ini saya ngefans purely 100% karena suaranya.
heehee.. saya dulu sempet gag ngeh ketika teman-teman saya heboh ngobrolin Vidi Aldiano. "hah? vidi aldiano siapa sih?? gag ngerti deh saya". langsung deh temen-temen saya pada nepok jidat
"cape deh... kan v-klip-nya lagi wara-wiri tuh di tivi, masa ga tau siiihh!!!" ckck.. ngomongnya full ekspresi gitu deh.
setelah dibilang "gag gaul" "gag punya tivi" "autis" "ga peka cowo ganteng" dan olokan lain yang bikin saya ketawa-ketiwi saya jadi penasaran, siapa sih vidi aldiano itu.
Dasar saya orangnya lupa'an.. cuma penasaran doang tapi gag berusaha mencari tau siapa itu vidi aldiano. terlupakan begitu saja.
Sampai ga sengaja beberapa lama kemarin liat dia di Dahsyat, itu pun sambil lalu. Pas dia digodain Olga kalau ga salah. baru saya ngeh "oh.. itu toh vidi aldiano...biasa aja, tapi kenapa pada heboh yya??" tapi ya namanya sambil lalu, ya cuma sepintas.
Sampai hari rabu kemarin kalau ga salah saya nonton video klip-nya di dahsyat dari awal sampai akhir. saya sukses terbengong-bengong. Gila!! Suaranya keren..!!
Setelah selesai nonton itu, saya langsung lari ke kamar hidupin laptop saya dan connect ke Internet buat donlod lagunya. Dan... Waw, I like it! Sooooo much!! Jadi suka nyanyi-nyanyi lagu itu...
Jadinya, Lagunya Vidi Aldiano sekarang ini jadi lagu yang paling sering saya dengerin setelah Percayakan punya Lyla dan Masih Ada-nya Ello.
Hahaha.. tapi saya ini orangnya Angin-anginan kalo suka sesuatu, tapi kayanya sama Vidi ini agak awet, soalnya lagunya bagus

heehee.. saya dulu sempet gag ngeh ketika teman-teman saya heboh ngobrolin Vidi Aldiano. "hah? vidi aldiano siapa sih?? gag ngerti deh saya". langsung deh temen-temen saya pada nepok jidat

setelah dibilang "gag gaul" "gag punya tivi" "autis" "ga peka cowo ganteng" dan olokan lain yang bikin saya ketawa-ketiwi saya jadi penasaran, siapa sih vidi aldiano itu.
Dasar saya orangnya lupa'an.. cuma penasaran doang tapi gag berusaha mencari tau siapa itu vidi aldiano. terlupakan begitu saja.
Sampai ga sengaja beberapa lama kemarin liat dia di Dahsyat, itu pun sambil lalu. Pas dia digodain Olga kalau ga salah. baru saya ngeh "oh.. itu toh vidi aldiano...biasa aja, tapi kenapa pada heboh yya??" tapi ya namanya sambil lalu, ya cuma sepintas.
Sampai hari rabu kemarin kalau ga salah saya nonton video klip-nya di dahsyat dari awal sampai akhir. saya sukses terbengong-bengong. Gila!! Suaranya keren..!!

Setelah selesai nonton itu, saya langsung lari ke kamar hidupin laptop saya dan connect ke Internet buat donlod lagunya. Dan... Waw, I like it! Sooooo much!! Jadi suka nyanyi-nyanyi lagu itu...

Jadinya, Lagunya Vidi Aldiano sekarang ini jadi lagu yang paling sering saya dengerin setelah Percayakan punya Lyla dan Masih Ada-nya Ello.
Hahaha.. tapi saya ini orangnya Angin-anginan kalo suka sesuatu, tapi kayanya sama Vidi ini agak awet, soalnya lagunya bagus
Friday, February 6, 2009
100 thruths
I've been tagged by nenoneno , thanx
001. Real name → Ajeng Sueztika Constitusia
002. Like it? → For Sure
003. Nickname(s)→ Ajeng, Ace
004. Status → Single
005. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
006. Male or female → female
007. Elementary→ SDN 2Banjaran 2 Kediri
008. Middle School → SLTPN 1 Kediri
009. High School → SMUN 2 kediri
010. Hair color → Black
011. Long or short → long
012. Eye color → dark-brown
013. Weight → eng ing eng....
014. Height → 168cm
015. Righty or lefty → righty
016. Loud or Quiet → actually loud, but it depends
017. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
018. Phone or Camera → phone with camera! kan lebi praktis bu...– sama kaya neno ni....
019. Health freak → not really
020. Piercings?→ two in my ears
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → i do. since 1st grade senior high school
022. Eat or Drink → drink
023. Purse or Backpack → backpack
024. Tattoos → dun wanna have
025. Do You Like Yourself? → absolutely
026. Current worry? → my future, my soulmate
027. Orange or Apple Juice? → orange juice
028. Night or Day? → night
029. Sun or Moon? → moon
030. TV or Internet? → Internet for sure
031. PlayStation or XBox? → PS. more familiar
032. Kiss or Hug? → Hug
033. Iguana or Turtle? → Turtle
034. Spider or Bee? → neither
035. Fall or Spring? → spring? it wont ever happened here, but i choose spring
036. Limewire or iTunes? → iTunes
037. Soccer or Baseball? → Soccer, but only for watching
038. First surgery → operasi gigi, gara2 patah pas kecelakaan
039. First piercing → when I was a baby
040. First best friend → devi (elementary school till now), miss her soooo...
041. First Sport? → apaan ya? Lari? Heheh.. :P
042. First award → juara lomba speeling pas teka
043. First crush → dun wanna remember
044. First pet → burung kepodang bernama yellwie
045. First big vacation → bali sepertinya
046. First big birthday → my sweet 17! *LOL*
047. Eating → Tempe penyet mbok jayus, kemaren malem tapi
048. Drinking → boneto
049. I’m about to → sleep again
050. Listening to → vidi aldiano-nuansa bening, Lyla-Percayakan, David cook-time of my life
051. Singing? → rossa ft pasha ungu- terlanjur cinta
052. Typing? → this tag
053. Waiting for → nothing
054. Want kids? → for sure!
055. When? → dunno..
056. Want to get married? → Absolutely
057. When? → maybe 5 of 6 years again
058. Where Do You Want To Live? → London, hha.. whad do u think??
059. Careers in mind → ambassador *LOL*
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → architect
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? → Fun future
062. Something You Would Never Try? → Drugs, alcohol, and also cigs
063. Lips or eyes → eyes
064. Shorter or taller? → taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
066. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice stomach
067. Sensitive or loud → loud
068. Hook-up or relationship → relationship for sure
069. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker
070. Hugging or Kissing? → Hugging
071. Tan Skinned or Light? → not sure which one..
072. Dark or Light Hair? → dark
073. Muscular or Normal? → normal
074. Lost glasses/contacts → nope, not wearing any..
075. Ran away from home → never
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense?→ dun need it
077. Killed somebody → gile ni pertanyaan, emang murderer ya..
078. Broken someone’s heart → my exes's *LOL*
079. Been arrested → nope
080. Cried when someone died → yeah. every
081. Kissed A Stranger? → nope, never!!!
082. Climbed Up A Tree? → it was my daily activity when i was in elementary school
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → yeah, but its just an adore
084. Yourself → yep
085. Miracles → the hell I do!
086. Love at first sight → na'a.. thats bullshit!
087. Heaven → For sure!
088. Santa Claus → na’a..
089. Kiss on the first date → no
090. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yeah.. but he jus not that into me!
091. Do You Like Someone? → someone special?? yeah..
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → actually no.. many things i wanna reach
093. Do you believe in God → Absolutely I Do
094. Received/ Sent Text Message → Angga. one of my BF
095. Received Call → Fogot
096. Call Made? → my father
097. Comment On MySpace? → not a user..
098. Missed Call? → an unknown number I can’t remember who was it from..
099. Person You Hung out With? → elke, shinta, karina, natasya
100. Post as 100 truths and tag….
sekarang gantian saya yang ngetag, buat mbak ika, dita, sarah, Dessy , Prima , Dessy Fitriana
001. Real name → Ajeng Sueztika Constitusia
002. Like it? → For Sure
003. Nickname(s)→ Ajeng, Ace
004. Status → Single
005. Zodiac sign → Aquarius
006. Male or female → female
007. Elementary→ SDN 2Banjaran 2 Kediri
008. Middle School → SLTPN 1 Kediri
009. High School → SMUN 2 kediri
010. Hair color → Black
011. Long or short → long
012. Eye color → dark-brown
013. Weight → eng ing eng....
014. Height → 168cm
015. Righty or lefty → righty
016. Loud or Quiet → actually loud, but it depends
017. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
018. Phone or Camera → phone with camera! kan lebi praktis bu...– sama kaya neno ni....
019. Health freak → not really
020. Piercings?→ two in my ears
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → i do. since 1st grade senior high school
022. Eat or Drink → drink
023. Purse or Backpack → backpack
024. Tattoos → dun wanna have
025. Do You Like Yourself? → absolutely
026. Current worry? → my future, my soulmate
027. Orange or Apple Juice? → orange juice
028. Night or Day? → night
029. Sun or Moon? → moon
030. TV or Internet? → Internet for sure
031. PlayStation or XBox? → PS. more familiar
032. Kiss or Hug? → Hug
033. Iguana or Turtle? → Turtle
034. Spider or Bee? → neither
035. Fall or Spring? → spring? it wont ever happened here, but i choose spring
036. Limewire or iTunes? → iTunes
037. Soccer or Baseball? → Soccer, but only for watching
038. First surgery → operasi gigi, gara2 patah pas kecelakaan
039. First piercing → when I was a baby
040. First best friend → devi (elementary school till now), miss her soooo...
041. First Sport? → apaan ya? Lari? Heheh.. :P
042. First award → juara lomba speeling pas teka
043. First crush → dun wanna remember
044. First pet → burung kepodang bernama yellwie
045. First big vacation → bali sepertinya
046. First big birthday → my sweet 17! *LOL*
047. Eating → Tempe penyet mbok jayus, kemaren malem tapi
048. Drinking → boneto
049. I’m about to → sleep again
050. Listening to → vidi aldiano-nuansa bening, Lyla-Percayakan, David cook-time of my life
051. Singing? → rossa ft pasha ungu- terlanjur cinta
052. Typing? → this tag
053. Waiting for → nothing
054. Want kids? → for sure!
055. When? → dunno..
056. Want to get married? → Absolutely
057. When? → maybe 5 of 6 years again
058. Where Do You Want To Live? → London, hha.. whad do u think??
059. Careers in mind → ambassador *LOL*
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → architect
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? → Fun future
062. Something You Would Never Try? → Drugs, alcohol, and also cigs
063. Lips or eyes → eyes
064. Shorter or taller? → taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
066. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice stomach
067. Sensitive or loud → loud
068. Hook-up or relationship → relationship for sure
069. Trouble maker or hesitant → Trouble maker
070. Hugging or Kissing? → Hugging
071. Tan Skinned or Light? → not sure which one..
072. Dark or Light Hair? → dark
073. Muscular or Normal? → normal
074. Lost glasses/contacts → nope, not wearing any..
075. Ran away from home → never
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense?→ dun need it
077. Killed somebody → gile ni pertanyaan, emang murderer ya..
078. Broken someone’s heart → my exes's *LOL*
079. Been arrested → nope
080. Cried when someone died → yeah. every
081. Kissed A Stranger? → nope, never!!!
082. Climbed Up A Tree? → it was my daily activity when i was in elementary school
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → yeah, but its just an adore
084. Yourself → yep
085. Miracles → the hell I do!
086. Love at first sight → na'a.. thats bullshit!
087. Heaven → For sure!
088. Santa Claus → na’a..
089. Kiss on the first date → no
090. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yeah.. but he jus not that into me!
091. Do You Like Someone? → someone special?? yeah..
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → actually no.. many things i wanna reach
093. Do you believe in God → Absolutely I Do
094. Received/ Sent Text Message → Angga. one of my BF
095. Received Call → Fogot
096. Call Made? → my father
097. Comment On MySpace? → not a user..
098. Missed Call? → an unknown number I can’t remember who was it from..
099. Person You Hung out With? → elke, shinta, karina, natasya
100. Post as 100 truths and tag….
sekarang gantian saya yang ngetag, buat mbak ika, dita, sarah, Dessy , Prima , Dessy Fitriana
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

lagi happening kayanya ni blackberry, temen-temen saya aja heboh pengen punya. Dulu sempet juga sih kepengen punya, seneng liat model Blackberry Bold, trus ngiler juga sama Push Email-nya.
Tapi, setelah aku tau kalo layanan Blackberry itu adalah Bundling dari Operator, dan tarif internet dan telfonnya dibayar terpisah, aku langsung menurungkan niat. lagian Blackberry itu kan buat bisnis, gag cocok sama sekali buat aku yang anak kuliahan ini. Palingan blackberry buat buka facebook sama Nge-blog, gag maksimal. setelah saya pikir2, daripada buat beli Blackberry Bold yang 7 jeti itu, mending saya beli hape-incaran-saya-sejak-dulu yaitu N95

Yang lucu itu kakak saya. Dia pake Internet cuma buat buka FS sama Y!M, buat kerja kantor dia juga ga butuh2 banget hape semacam blackberry secara dia kerja di bank bukan kerja di kantor yang menuntut Internet as daily needs, gag addicted to Yahoo! Separah aku juga, Eh.. kemaren dia dengan PD-nya bilang mau jual hape, trus beli Blackberry, aku ketawa-ketawa aja, trus ketika dia sudah selesai berceloteh, aku nanya "Emang Ngerti tentang blackberry??"
dia a-a-u-u gitu gag bisa jawab.
Maka meledaklah tawaku!

Akhirnya aku jelasin tentang Blackberry,PIN, Push Email, dan semuanya. yang bikin aku tambah ketawa lagi adalah dia nanya "Push Email opo to??"

tau nggak jawabannya apa "kan keren kalau ke kantor nentengin Blackberry" nah, kan.. sudah kuduga jawabannya gitu.
Yah, Memang tabiat orang Indonesia suka gitu. Beli barang yang lagi ngetren tapi gag tau fungsi sebenarnya. Kakak saya itu adalah salah satu contoh nyatanya

Rob Pattinson is hot, Rite?? *LOL*
Happy B'day To Me
Happy B'day to me
Happy B'day to me..
happy b'day.. Happy B'day.. Happy B'day to meeeeeeeee....


Happy Birthday Graphic Comments
Yah, twenty something deh aku...
no more teenagers
lets start thinking seriously this year
Makasih semua yang kirimin ucapan lewat telfon,sms, email, facebook, friendster, plurk, dateng langsung kerumah, pokoknya semua yang lebih dari 100 orang dan ga bisa disebutin satu2 itu, makasih semua doa dan harapannya ya. semoga dikabulkan Allah SWT amiiiinnnn...

Graphics for Happy Birthday Comments
Happy B'day to me..
happy b'day.. Happy B'day.. Happy B'day to meeeeeeeee....


Happy Birthday Graphic Comments
Yah, twenty something deh aku...
no more teenagers
lets start thinking seriously this year
Makasih semua yang kirimin ucapan lewat telfon,sms, email, facebook, friendster, plurk, dateng langsung kerumah, pokoknya semua yang lebih dari 100 orang dan ga bisa disebutin satu2 itu, makasih semua doa dan harapannya ya. semoga dikabulkan Allah SWT amiiiinnnn...


Graphics for Happy Birthday Comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Debo Idola Cilik 2
25 Randomnesses
you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
those 25 randoms are :
1. I really love my family. buuuuuunnnnnnccccchhhhh!!!
2. Affraid of being twenty something *SIGH*
3. I wish i could make my parents proud of me... :)
4. I like be hugged than be kissed
5. I want to apply a scholarship for my master next year, going abroad preferable
6. my mood always change like a roller coaster
7. I hate people whom talk behind my back!!
8. I HATE violence!! any kinds!! Include Bullying
9. I'm not really confident with my english..
10. I usually try to see the problem from different sight-seeing before i tells my opinion
11. I prefer flat shoes than high heels
12. I really love pets, my rabbit is my biggest friend when i stay at my home :D But I hate snakes, roaches and Rats!!!
13. Tell people to not throw their trash to the river is also my wants. Stop it!! it cause our river blaze up when its raining
14. I have my own way. I hates following my friends and I always have my own opinion.
15. I always afraid when i saw crowd of people. like a lil' phobia
16. I really love my mom, but sometimes we have ours own agreement
17. Go green in my daily life is my biggest dream
18.My favourite shop : Gramedia
19. I love sleeping. (who doesn't?)
20. I am a big fans of Rupert Grint and James Blunt. oh... and Robert Pattinson of course
21. wearing my toga at 2010 is my biggest wish :)
22. I love my blog
23. Harry Potter series, Twilight Saga, Shopaholic series, Princess Diaries Series, Andrea Hirata's, and also Habiburrahman El Shirazy's are my favourite books
24. Easy to forgive, but difficult to forget
25. My Dreams are my keys to my brighter future. Amin!
those 25 randoms are :
1. I really love my family. buuuuuunnnnnnccccchhhhh!!!
2. Affraid of being twenty something *SIGH*
3. I wish i could make my parents proud of me... :)
4. I like be hugged than be kissed
5. I want to apply a scholarship for my master next year, going abroad preferable
6. my mood always change like a roller coaster
7. I hate people whom talk behind my back!!
8. I HATE violence!! any kinds!! Include Bullying
9. I'm not really confident with my english..
10. I usually try to see the problem from different sight-seeing before i tells my opinion
11. I prefer flat shoes than high heels
12. I really love pets, my rabbit is my biggest friend when i stay at my home :D But I hate snakes, roaches and Rats!!!
13. Tell people to not throw their trash to the river is also my wants. Stop it!! it cause our river blaze up when its raining
14. I have my own way. I hates following my friends and I always have my own opinion.
15. I always afraid when i saw crowd of people. like a lil' phobia
16. I really love my mom, but sometimes we have ours own agreement
17. Go green in my daily life is my biggest dream
18.My favourite shop : Gramedia
19. I love sleeping. (who doesn't?)
20. I am a big fans of Rupert Grint and James Blunt. oh... and Robert Pattinson of course
21. wearing my toga at 2010 is my biggest wish :)
22. I love my blog
23. Harry Potter series, Twilight Saga, Shopaholic series, Princess Diaries Series, Andrea Hirata's, and also Habiburrahman El Shirazy's are my favourite books
24. Easy to forgive, but difficult to forget
25. My Dreams are my keys to my brighter future. Amin!
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