Saya barusan aja nemu blog ini dikasih tau sama Dita
Sebel... banget aku bacanya. sekaligus sedih juga. kenapa sih kenapa....
Gimana nggak, salah satu postingannya adalah ini
Indon Bongkak! Beli jet Pejuang Pinjam Dekat Rusia
According to Xinhua report, Indonesia will buy six more Russian-built Sukhoi jet fighters, Air Force chief Marshall Herman Prayitno has said.
The purchase of the Sukhois, of which Indonesia already owns four, was to be made through a 1 billion U.S. dollars loan from Russia that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would sign during his trip there this week, Herman was quoted Wednesday by major national newspaper The Jakarta Post as saying.
Yudhoyono is scheduled to meet his counterpart Vladimir Putin to finalize the loan.
“The purchase of more Sukhois is aimed at creating a deterrent effect and we do not have any plans to attack other countries. Of course as a sovereign country we want to be strong and respectful,” Herman said.
Indonesia purchased the first four Sukhois, along with two MI- 35 helicopters worth 192 million dollars in 2003, during Megawati Soekarnoputri’s presidency.
The Indonesian Military turned to Russia for arms after the United States, which supplied 80 percent of Indonesia’s weaponry, placed an embargo on the country following the Dili massacre in Timor-Leste in 1991.
The embargo was lifted fully earlier this year.
P/s: Nampak sangat INDON tuh miskin! Nak beli jet, tapi pinjam duit kat RUSIA.. apa crita? bangsat lu INDON! Bangga sgt.. NEGARA MISKIN! HINA!
saya sedih!!!
Entah siapa yang bikin Blog ini dan tujuannya apa, yang jelas saya sedih banget baca postingan ini.
Apa memang blog ini dibuat malaysia untuk menghina bangsa kita atau dibuat rakyat Indonesia untuk menyulut pertengkaran sama malaysia saya ga tau, tapi yang bikin sedih, blog ini dipublish di INTERNET, Ditulis dalam BAHASA INGGRIS, dan dibaca Orang diseluruh Dunia!
Kok Seneng banget sih orang-orang itu Bikin Kekacauan. Bikin Hub Indo-Malay ga Harmonis aja!
Hidup Indonesia!!!
Yah mereka emang pd kurang kerjaan..kayaknya emang ngadu domba..
akuw jd pngen tau deh mbk..
gmn sih hukum kebebasan berbicara di indonesia??kalo iank kyk gt bs dpet hukuman gk ya?
akuw baca salah satu comment'nya..
katanya blog itu uda di black list n dibahas di
iya nih, males berantem terus.
damai kan lebih asyik ...
kyknya tu blog sengaja dia bkn buat ngehina-hina Indonesia tu mbak... NYEBELIIIN!!!
aku ga bisa buat apa-apa.. tp aku ga suka ngeliatnya...
mo gimana juga.. I LOVE INDONESIA!!!!
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